
Pet Food Ingredients


大麦 is a versatile grain with a rich, nut-like flavor. It is light in color, and it has an appealing chewy consistency.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

玉米含有丰富的β -胡萝卜素、抗氧化剂和脂肪酸,有益于健康的皮毛和皮肤.

Contains omega fatty acids that improve skin and coat health. 

麦洛是一种淀粉类谷物,不含麸质,被认为是宠物食品配方中的优质非肉类成分. 高矿物质含量和较低的血糖指数使得这种谷物比大多数传统谷物具有更高的营养价值.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc. 

小米 is a grain high in 铁, B族维生素和磷使其成为骨骼健康和维持能量水平的极好成分. 这种成分是一种健康的碳水化合物来源,可以烘烤成零食或添加到宠物食品配方中.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc. 

作为宠物食品配方中的营养成分,燕麦有着悠久的欧冠下注. 燕麦 are high in soluble 纤维, 铁, manganese, 锌 and B vitamins. 燕麦 are low in gluten and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.


Known as a natural laxative that helps to treat constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other common digestive issues.

藜麦 is hailed as a ‘superfood’ around the world. 它是一种独特的古老谷物,含有所有九种必需氨基酸, making it one of the few plant sources of complete nutrition. 藜麦是一个伟大的添加到宠物食品配方,提供更多的质地和健康的物质.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

An easily digested carbohydrate that soothes an upset stomach.

Used as an alternative carbohydrate source in pet food formulas.

Provides a source of protein and fatty acids.

Pile of green lentils
Pile of green lentils

豌豆 are a protein-packed and nutritious addition to a pet’s diet. 它们富含赖氨酸、钾和其他必需维生素和矿物质. As if the nutritional benefits were not enough, they offer a tasteful and unique palatable experience for our pets.

Processing Types raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

The health benefits of chickpeas are wide and varied. 这些坚果味的豆类富含蛋白质,并从高水平的纤维中获得许多有益健康的品质, 锌, copper and 铁 they contain. 鹰嘴豆 are an excellent source of 纤维, folate 和镁 that help to maintain balanced dietary formulas.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

小扁豆 are a renowned source of nutrition worldwide. They are a good source of 钾, 钙, 锌, but particularly rich in dietary 纤维, 精益蛋白质, folate and 铁 making it an ideal ingredient in pet food formulas.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

A pile of sweet potatoes

红薯是一种营养丰富的甜根蔬菜,它不仅仅是宠物食品配方中的美味添加剂. They are a high-quality alternative starch ingredient with vitamins, 矿物质, and complex carbohydrates. 与其他淀粉相比,红薯有很好的营养成分,是理想的全天然食物, limited ingredient pet food diets.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc. – dices, ground, pellets, flakes

土豆不仅仅是任何宠物食品配方的补充, they are also good for your pet’s overall health. They help stabilize 血 sugar, 钠含量低, and full of 钾, an electrolyte which aids in the workings of our pet's heart, 肌肉, 神经系统.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc. - whole, flake, dices, meal, starch

木薯 is a highly digestible carbohydrate, an excellent source of energy. 木薯粉不含糖或蛋白质,这使得它对过敏和食物不耐受的宠物食品配方有益. 木薯 starch helps with shape, texture and density of pet food formulas.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

食用豆类是狗粮配方中很好的天然植物蛋白. They are a healthy source of essential nutrients like vitamin A, 维生素C, 维生素K, 铁, 和镁. Edible beans are naturally low-fat and are low-glycemic, allowing pets to stay filler longer due to slowed digestion.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

蓝莓是宠物食品配方中的顶级超级食品之一,富含钙, 镁, 钾, 和维生素. 蓝莓也富含纤维,有助于提高免疫力和视网膜健康.

Processing Types: raw, cleaned, milled, etc.

蔓越莓是富含抗氧化剂的水果,可以帮助提高宠物的免疫健康,减少炎症. They are also high in 维生素C, 纤维, 钾元素使它们成为宠物食品配方和宠物零食中有益健康的成分.

Provides vitamin A, 维生素C and dietary 纤维 in pet food formulas.

胡萝卜 are ideal for grain-free and natural ingredient pet food diets. 胡萝卜 are more than a tasty addition to a pet food formula, 它们对宠物的整体健康也有好处,比如富含β -胡萝卜素, a good source of 纤维 to help aid digestion, 必需的维生素和矿物质有助于改善宠物的皮肤和皮毛.






Used to enhance color of pet food formulas.



富含氨基酸和B族维生素的蛋白质来源,有助于建立和保持肌肉, 骨头, 血, coat and nail health.

Adds a delicious flavor and good source of 钙 and 矿物质.

Group of quail standing in a field
Group of quail standing in a field



鸭肉富含铁元素,为宠物提供精瘦、易于消化的蛋白质. 鸭 also supports strong 肌肉 with its high level of amino acids.

Contains plenty of protein, folate, 铁 and vitamin A.

兔肉是一种瘦肉蛋白,其胆固醇含量低于大多数其他蛋白质来源. The healthy fats in rabbit help to keep pet’s coats shiny. It is also high in vitamin B12 that helps the nervous system function.

鹌鹑 is an excellent source of vitamin E, which supports healthy skin, 钙 and phosphorus, which helps with bone strength. 它是一种新型蛋白质,是对牛肉和鸡肉等常见肉类过敏的宠物的绝佳选择.

珍珠鸡 has a rich flavor and a natural source of essential vitamins. It is a lean, low-calorie protein source for pet food formulas.

鱼 swimming through water
鱼 swimming through water

鹅 is a nutrient dense protein that is high in 铁 and vitamin B6, 但与其他蛋白质来源相比,它的脂肪和胆固醇含量也更高.

羊肉富含优质蛋白质和必需氨基酸,为宠物食品配方提供重要营养. It contains a high concentration of key 矿物质 like 钙.

鹿肉 has a high content level of B vitamins, 锌 and 铁 that supports pets’ immune system and organ function. 鹿肉可以是一个很好的蛋白质替代过敏或敏感的宠物食品配方.


Great source of omega-3 to help support healthy skin and coats.

Lean source of protein that is easy to digest and low in fat.



An amino acid that supports healthy muscle growth and repairs in dogs. It can also aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients.






Adds a delicious flavor and good source of 钙 and 矿物质.



A natural emulsifier derived from canola oil, which is beneficial for brain, nerve and liver function.

Helps to maintain moisture content.


A natural emulsifier that helps to blend ingredients together in pet food.

  • 碳酸钙
  • 磷酸氢钙
  • 氯化钾
  • 矿物
  • 自然盐
  • 海盐
  • 钠膨润土
  • 硫酸氢钠
  • Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP)
  • 二氧化钛
  • 山核桃壳纤维
  • 花生粉
  • 烤花生米高汤
  • 椰子
  • 亚麻
  • 向日葵
  • 油菜
  • 橄榄
  • 油菜餐
  • 豌豆
  • 土豆
  • 南瓜
  • 大米
  • 向日葵餐
  • 蓝莓
  • 纤维素
  • 蔓越莓
  • 菊粉
  • 豌豆
  • 山核桃
  • 亚麻籽
  • 南瓜
  • 番茄
  • Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP)
  • 红辣椒
  • 啤酒酵母
  • 干酵母
  • 自然的鸡