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Quality Ingredients Make for Quality Foods

The Andersons is committed to ensuring a consistent, high-quality supply of pet food ingredients. Starting with selecting high-quality, fresh ingredients and concluding with quality before delivery to your door.

We continue to be one of the largest and most reliable volume suppliers of specialty ingredients to pet food manufacturers. What began as a single grain elevator and one man’s dream has grown into a publicly traded company with a diversified portfolio, expansive business interests and the ability to take advantage of a wide range of global opportunities.  

We combine our experience, flexibility and responsiveness to act upon ever-changing market conditions and bring value to our customers in the pet food industry.

Dog and cat sitting together
Bowls of ingredients

Ingredient supply starts with only high-quality and most dedicated producers. Thanks to our trusted relationships with growers world-wide, we are confident in our ability to provide a food grade – fresh, 生, and frozen – supply harvested from our well-established grower network. If you need something that you don’t see, we will leverage our large network of growers and suppliers to find what you need.

服务 we provide

With advanced processing capabilities we look forward to offering a wide variety of value-added products that can address the ever-changing market necessities.

  • 剥落
  • 切丁
  • 清洁
  • 混合
  • De-hulling

Thanks to our trusted relationships with growers world-wide, we are confident in our ability to provide a variety of food grade label options that are harvested from our well-established grower network.

  • 有机
  • 非转基因
  • 洁食
  • Gluten-free
  • Conventional

Our team understands and is intimately involved in managing the supply chain from origin to customer delivery. From the field, to sorting and storage, to testing and delivery to destination, we are certain our logistic services will exceed your expectations.

  • Bulk (truckload or rail)
  • Totes (with pallet option)
  • Container (20ft, 40 ft, dry or refrigerated)
  • Bagged 50#
Hands holding grain
Quality Assurance

The safety and quality of our pet food ingredients is at the core of our workplace policies and procedures. Our commitment to supplying businesses with high quality, safe ingredients is a top priority at The Andersons. We source ingredients from farmers and partners who we trust and have the same quality assurance philosophy to provide our customers with high-quality ingredients. We take all measures to ensure the health and safety of our customers, employees, and neighbors, and for the quality of our environment.

Map of pet food processing locations

We own or partner with strategically located food storage and processing facilities across the United States and Canada. Not located near one of our facilities? Ask us about opportunities in your area.

Person giving a puppy a treat
Person feeding and petting a cat
Person giving a dog a bowl of food