我们的 evolution from a small family business to a publicly traded Fortune 500® company is based on our deep commitment to service - both to our valued customers and the world we share.
We are a company which creates value for and builds mutually beneficial and enduring relationships with all our stakeholders and others with whom we do business.
We continue to leverage our core strengths in both the commodity grain and fertilizer industries to strategically grow while remaining committed to a legacy of success to become the most 灵活创新 北美欧冠下注平台公司.
We firmly believe that our company is a powerful vehicle through which we channel our time, 人才, and energy in pursuit of the fundamental goal of serving God by serving others.
Through our collective action, we greatly magnify the impact of our individual efforts to:

The Andersons was founded on the belief that all of us are subject to a higher and divine authority, 我们应该追求善良, 完整性, 公平, 尊重, 以及那些我们认为与神的意志一致的美德. 我们相信拥有这些品质会培养自尊, 值得别人的认可, 提高了私人和公共福利.
我们的 原则声明 表达了建国先贤们的信仰和哲学, forming the basis for the development of our operating principles and Mission. 我们为我们的公司感到骄傲. We pledge our continued best efforts to meet the needs and aspirations of those we serve.

我们的 competitive economic system makes it essential that we place constant and primary focus on satisfying the needs of our customers. We should not lose sight of the fact that it is the customer who pays everyone’s salary and who decides whether the business is going to succeed or fail. Everyone in the organization should realize that the customer comes first and that every customer is important.
- 提供清晰的价值
- 服务于有用和建设性的目的
- 提供一个诚实的质量和数量的代表
- 以友好和礼貌的方式呈现
我们相信 in the dignity of honest work and that working toward company goals should provide support and opportunity for each member of the organization to establish and progress toward personal goals.
The Andersons is committed to being accepting and inclusive while reflecting the diversity of our communities. Opportunities for employment and advancement are available to all qualified candidates, 不受歧视. We are committed to providing a work environment that is free from all forms of harassment.
公司的每个职位对我们的成功都很重要, 我们承认每个人的价值和尊严. We strive to treat each person with 尊重 and to utilize their unique 人才. 我们相信 differences in people are a strength when they are focused on a common goal. Each employee of The Andersons has a responsibility to cultivate an environment in which differences are truly valued and 尊重ed.
If our company is to continue to thrive, a return on investment is essential. We are, therefore, committed to a strong and aggressive pursuit of profit and growth. Growth in total shareholder value must occupy a position of central focus if we are to succeed in our competitive environment, 与我们对其他利益相关者的责任一致. 我们希望我们的增长是专注和有纪律的. We also feel that ownership by those who work for the company is important and we welcome investment in the company by our employees.
We recognize the right of shareholders to be well informed and we are committed to meeting this need through press releases, 季度财务报告, 年度会议, 以及其他适当的方法.
We are a company of high ethical standards and are committed to communicating our financial reports with a spirit of transparency so shareholders can make informed decisions.
我们公司的首要重点是为客户服务. If we are successful in providing our customers with products and services that are of clear value, we have fulfilled an important aspect of meeting our obligations to the communities in which we live and do business. 我们相信, 然而, 无论是个人还是集体, 我们的社区义务远不止于此.
我们觉得应该慷慨地分享我们的时间, 人才, and financial resources in pursuit of solutions to our social problems and in support of other worthwhile community endeavors. We also encourage and stimulate others, including our employees, to do the same.

For more information about our company's beginnings and its founder, view the documentary 谷物:哈罗德·安德森的故事, WGTE公共传媒出品.
This three-part documentary chronicles our beginnings as a single truck terminal in the 1940s and highlights our growth and achievements since.